Saturday, March 7, 2009
God doesn’t need Google—Confessions of an SEO Addict
Like most addictions, mine began with the small stuff —online directory placements. I found dozens and dozens of free directories and signed up. That’s because the name of the game is “get links into your site”. I signed up for a few ones anyone can get a listing with. Then I graduated to the social sites. They are all the rage. Well I think they are. Everyone is signing up for social sites. It’s like you don’t exist if you aren’t on Linkedin, Twitter, MySpace, or FaceBook.
Next came THE BLOG. The mantra became, “ If you don’t have a blog you don’t exist. Years ago while pulling an all-nighter on a design project, about 4:00 a.m. I turned on one of those late night television preachers. It was as if he knew not a soul was watching. All of a sudden he moved in very close to the camera and with all evangelical earnestness questioned, “Is ANYONE out there?” I think I was the ONLY one. Blogging is like that. One wonders, “If I write, will they come?” Sounds like that old philosophical question, “If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear it? If a tree falls will it make a sound if no one is there?”
And I read, endlessly digesting massive volumes of reports, white papers, and expert’s blogs. The source of these of course are the SEO conquerors. Those who have conquered the Search Bots or whatever they are. Those “experts” in this online world of change. The guys who abide in that golden corner of Google on Page one. Day after day, I read reports, gleaning new online marketing tips, checking my Google analytics, and basically Tweating hours of my life away.
I see that hand. And there’s one over there too. God bless you. Seems that some of you have the same addiction.
Fellow SEO addicts there is hope. Here’s the counsel—
Continue to be a student of good marketing, especially as the old methods are pushed aside by the new. But, for those who are His, listen up. Never allow the uncertainty of the times to yield ground to fear, anxiety, and apprehension. There is an answer to “If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear it?” The answer is —God hears. How much more will He care for those He loves. He who made the ear, hears you when you call. Trust in Him. Continue to commit your business to His loving care.
Here’s encouragement from an old song someone penned during my days at the Well in Austin— “I believe that God is able to do what I have asked Him to do. And if I will only trust Him, He will carry me through”.
©2009 Peter Lamb
LambCreek—Christian Creative Services
Sunday, January 18, 2009
An answer to —Should Christians love and Support Jews
Check out this interesting answer on Yedda
Why Christians love and support Jews?
There are numerous ways to answer your question. But I will approach it this way, because it is obvious from your question and that you do not know God at all. You don't seem to have the remotest idea of just how deeply He loves and forgives. You have never tasted His mercy and looked into His eyes of love. He is NOT a man. While He made all of us in His image. He is NOT like us in so many many ways. You can't project your bitterness on Him. For all the days you have spent hating others for what they done to those you love, I challenge you— take some time to truly reflect upon Him. Look into His face and press your ear to His heart. I know how to find Him by reading the Old Testament. However, it is far clearer in the New Testament. Both of which Muslims says are "Holy" books. If you want to become more like those whose lives you hate, keep hating. If you really, truly want to know God's heart on a matter—you'll have to get on your knees from the heart and look deeply into His face.
Lastly, I'm not completely stupid. From your keyword search, you are looking for people you hate to target. I could have ignored you.
God's richest blessings on you, for that is exactly what He desires to give.
Topics: christians, britishers, jesus killer is israel
Answered by LambCreek Christian graphic design on January 18, 2009
View the entire discussion on Yedda